You asked for it – You got it. New BACGD programs!
Over the past couple months, we have been listening to you regarding what kind of activities you would like to see BACGD offer. Many asked for more weekend opportunities for those who can’t attend the 1st Thursday gathering, or would prefer not to partake of the bar scene. Welcome to our “CoffeeLunchShopOr?” events.
We have set two dates: February 15th and again on April 12th; join us for all or any part(s) of the schedule.
Each day will begin at 10:00 at the Attic Corner Coffeeshop 730 Bodart St. in Green Bay/Whitney Park area. At 11:30, we’ll pick a place downtown GB to go to lunch. During lunch, we will decide who might want to go shopping ( perhaps the Sunrise Boutique, Kohls or St. Vincent de Paul or bring your ideas ) Others might want to go to a movie or pick from a list of additional choices. Courtesy preregistration appreciated to assist us in launching these new programs; please drop a note to Thank you!
