SUCCESS!! The most recent run of the new and expanded Transperience hosted by the Brown County Neville Museum was a huge success! On behalf of BACGD, the Trans Artists Collaborative (TAC) and transgender persons, their families, friends, and allies ---- a big thank you to the those who had a hand in the creation and evolution of the Transperience:
... the TAC (Martha, Alicia, Clara, Maggie, Rochelle)
... the amazing folks who said yes to sharing their stories
.... the volunteers who folded the origami birds and helped with the legislative research
... the amazing staff at the Neville Museum
... the Friends of the Neville Public Museum, donors, and
... the hundreds of people who came to see it, attended the educational panel presentation or the curated tours. Thanks, too, for those who shared blog posts on social media, wrote articles in local newspapers, and all who encouraged friends, family, and co-workers to see it. The feedback received was overwhelmingly positive. We believe that together “we done somethin' good!”.
If you missed the updated and expanded version this time around – you will have another opportunity to see it from November 11 – 16 at the UWGB Student Union. Mark your calendars now and stay tuned for additional details soon.
Setting up the many images and symbols used
in the Transperience is always more fun than
the take down and repacking.