You may remember this local effort featuring Rachel, Cole, and Martha - working in partnership with the state-wide non-profit A Better Wisconsin Together in the creation of an educational/advocacy video series.
ABWT staff member Hannah Ziemer traveled to Green Bay to interview Rachel, Cole, and Martha with the goal of creating awareness and deepening understanding through the sharing of their experiences, insights, and reflections. Part One, a 10 minute video featuring Rachel, Cole, and Martha was featured here back in April 2024.
Part Two is now ready -- 4 mini clips available to share with your legislators. Consider emailing these short clips and ask your legislators to address real solutions to real problems and not focus on distractions.
If you need assistance in finding contact information for your government officials, check out this resource at My Vote Wisconsin.
Join us in expressing our gratitude to all the participants in this series for their willingness to be vulnerable through the gracious sharing of their personal stories.
