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BACGD Communications Team

Belonging Begins Here - Do Join Us

Big thanks to NeighborWorks - Green Bay! The BACGD received a “Belonging Begins Here" grant as part of NeighborWorks' efforts to assess change and measure impact in local communities. We can all agree change is a constant and the good people at NeighborWorks, a nationwide non-profit, are committed to helping local communities drive and sustain positive change while documenting what is effective and what is not. This nationwide grant fund is designed to assist with state and local efforts towards improving health through social connections and relationship building, helping organizations (like

BACGD) to increase membership and deepen the engagement of current members and


The first step is this invitation to each and every one of you as trans, non-binary, genderfluid persons, your families, and your allies, to participate in a local Trans Summit. It is not limited to Green Bay residents but open to anyone living in Northeast Wisconsin.

This event will be a dynamic, highly interactive, well-facilitated dreaming and scheming effort and will be all the better with your involvement -- you belong here! Date and details are still being worked out but if you have any questions now, want more info, or wish to receive an invitation directly, please drop a note to:

Working Together for Strong Communities


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